
This impeachment thing is wicked;

"In addition, in a previous interview with WorldNetDaily, Scott Ritter, former U.N. weapons inspector, said the following:

"I would be in favor of the impeachment of President Bush for high crimes and misdemeanors. Murder is a high crime and misdemeanor, and I can't think of any better definition than murder when he talks about American service members and putting them in a war which is not only illegal but is based on a foundation of lies."

He added, "What I would find to be grounds of impeachment is the president lying to the American people. I believe the president has lied to the American people. I believe the vice president has lied to the American people. And if we go to war where American service members are killed, I think the president should be held accountable for this judicially."

The day after the WND report, details of a former arrest for allegedly soliciting an underage girl, although under seal, were leaked to the press. Ritter supporters called it a political hit, while detractors called it proof of his duplicitous and untrustworthy character. "

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