2 September 2004 --- The Institute of Race Relations published a catalogue that details how hundreds of Muslims have been arrested under terrorism powers before being released without charge; how the special powers granted by parliament to tackle terrorism are being deployed in other spheres, such as in routine criminal investigations or in the policing of immigration; how the media have become 'embedded' in a process that leads to the stigmatisation of Muslims as terrorists
Anti-migrant roar ends in whimper, Arun Kundnani, 8 July 2004,
Earlier this year, the Daily Express dedicated numerous front pages to the threat of '1.6 million Gipsies' who were 'ready to flood in' to Britain on 1 May, when the European Union was expanded. Today, an article on page eight of the paper admits that only 10,000 have come.

'dad's army' style war imagery used to warn readers of the impending invasion.
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