Check this wacky site out... it's hilarious, the introduction says...
We're Americans and we're pissed off!
"This pro-American page is dedicated to guiltlessly and righteously defending America!
(If you can't take it in here then go to your yoga class and burn some incense)
This page also serves to counterbalance traitors, cowards, and confused puppets of misinformation..."
it also includes news items:
"9-1-03 - Arab and Muslim women hijack a Russian school, torture and kill as many as 350 grade school children. This is further confirmation that Iran, Syria, and Saudi Arabia should be nuked ASAP. These people are lower animals."
Quizzes, which are just amazing:
"If you were President:
How should America respond to a Chechenia type attack on American school children?
*Do nothing, blame ourselves
*Dust for evidence, bomb select Middle East targets with smart bombs.
*Go ballistic on select cities that clearly give moral support to terrorists (Tehran, Demascus, etc)
*Anonymously wage bio terror on select cities that clearly give moral support to terrorists *Comply to terrorist's demands, withdraw troops, etc."
Scathing attcks on celebrities who are anti war... and some great graphics

"Shame, shame, shame on the anti-American Dixie Sluts ... Deport them to France."
It also provides advice to the government on how to deal with terrorism:
"10-04-02 - (below) Group of "naturalized Americans" wearing Alah beards, Arab bed sheets, and funny looking Islamic beanie hats get arrested in Oregon. Dick Chenney has said that future terrorist attacks are inevitable and there's nothing we can do to stop it. Bull shit! Round up ALL of the Muslim towel-heads that the INS let in going back over the last 5 years and send them back to Mecca. Then stop letting these psychopathic killer bees into our country!"
it goes on and on and on, confirming every stereotype you ever had about the USA.
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