
And to put a smile on your face, read PNAC founder Robert "Mars" Kagan's "value-free" agenda selling re: WMD.

"This kind of "discrepancy" qualifies as front-page news these days. Why? Not because the Bush administration may have -- repeat, may have -- exaggerated the extent of knowledge about what Hussein had in his WMD arsenal. No, the critics' real aim is to prove that, as a New York Times reporter recently put it, "the failure so far to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq may mean that there never were any in the first place."

Quite a bad case really. How can he expect this to wash? Also check author information at bottom of article:

The writer, a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, writes a monthly column for The Post.

Funny - mentioning the fact that Kagan is more importantly a main PNAC pillar, thus a chief architect of the "new and definitive world order" nonsense never seems noteworthy. It would admittedly induce a skeptic thought in the reader, so why bother flirting with bare truths?

Kagan and Perle at an AEI meeting

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