
Recent polls have revealed the shocking extent of misinformation about Iraq and 9/11. The apostropher also points to various statistics at thismodernworld.com, exhibiting a rather sad state of affairs.

Yes, 22% of the American public believe that Saddam actually used WMD's in this conflict. See for yourself.

More worrying stats:

27% believe divorce is "morally wrong"
26% think grade-school teachers should be allowed to spank their kids
21% say justice was served in the O.J. Simpson case
20% approve of the how the Catholic Church handles pedophilia
20% believe that the killing of civilians in Vietnam was "relatively rare"

wsws.org reveals that US soldiers seem to be pretty unenlightened about their presence in Iraq themselves:

"According to press reports, some US soldiers in Iraq carry pictures of the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers inside their Kevlar vests to convince themselves that the killing of Iraqi civilians and the continued military occupation the country are justified by the slaughter of thousands of civilians in New York City on September 11, 2001.

Opinion polls indicate that fully half the American population believe that Iraqi citizens participated in the hijacking of the four aircraft utilized in the September 11 attacks, while 40 percent think that Saddam Hussein was behind the terrorist actions of that day.

Both these phenomena are the product of a systematic disinformation campaign waged by the Bush administration with the complicity of the mass media." full article

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