
the people from postanalytic.com publish first issue of naked punch magazine

"The context in which the idea to publish Naked Punch was first spawned was that of the Postanalytic Group, a mainly philosophical collective of young thinkers in London. The group first formed to challenge the current philosophical hegemony at the University of London , but rapidly grew into something beyond that, becoming less and less interested in what was being taught in the lecture rooms in London and more focused on what ideas it could bring into existence itself.

During the weekly meetings of the group in the first part of 2004, various topics were dealt with, but the issue of nihilism occupied a particularly central role, and this discourse on nihility generated a good amount of interesting material. There was the suggestion that we should publish some of these ideas in written form, and we set out to do so.

But since the Postanalytics have always been interested in more than philosophy, or rather, believed that many other forms of expression can do similar things to what philosophy can do, we did not want to turn this into a strictly philosophical journal. Rather, we looked for other writers and artists whose thoughts and works occupy the same level as the philosophy that has been investigated by the Postanalytics, that of a radically questioning position which does not see theory and practice as divided."

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