Fascism & Pornography
"The current attack on the consumers of child pornography is typical of fascist administration. Already we have seen deaths, lives and careers ruined. We've seen people named and tried by the media. It's there - turn on your computer, go to google and zap! there you have it. But don't look. Good heavens, no! That's evil! That's depraved! What's next? Will we prosecute people for looking at billboards?
And all this is from people who say it's okay to conduct "pre-emptive strikes" aginst other people's countries - as long as they're not powerful enough to hit back harder than we can deliver our violence. All this from people who allow Australian citizens to be held illegally in death camps and concentration camps, who allow them to be tortured, who allow them to be subject to fascist show trials. All this from people who lock up innocent people indefinitely in concentration camps in Australia. All this from people who keep the native inhabitants of the country in similar conditions, all out of sight and out of mind. Well fuck them!
Who are the real criminals, the people who look at pictures or the people who administer these kinds of things?
If Balthus's art makes us feel uncomfortable then perhaps we should have a look at repression in our society and how it relates to our discomfort. But hey! Perhaps you shouldb e careful, Gary, about what kinds of pictures you publish on this site. There might be some retrospective legislation and one day they'll come around and take your computers away and name you in the paper. One day they might lock you up. Anything is possible with the kind of administration we have."
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