
apologies - due to amateur html skills appear to have centred entire contents pardon moi...

In short, the liberalism of their youth was probably reflexive and poorly thought out, and when they finally did get around to giving it any real thought, say, around the time they graduated into a respectable tax bracket, they suddenly realized: my gosh! I'm not a liberal at all! And more power to them--this space is unambigulously in favor of critical thought. After all, what a terrible waste it is to lose one's mind.


On an entirely different subject, I was recently contacted by a writer for a large circulation magazine (who requested anonymity), working on yet another article about blogging. And looking at the questions this person emailed, I realized: I don't want to do this anymore. The interview, I mean, not the blogging. Blogging is a fine thing to do, and I'm happy that you all take the time to read mine, but let's face it--this isn't something that requires extraordinary talent, or much more skill than the ability to post an html link. It's like being interviewed about eating dinner or going to the movies or something--it's a fine way to pass your time, but it's not much more than that. In the last six months, I think I've done more interviews about blogging than about the cartoon itself, and that's just silly. I don't have that much to say about it. Yep, I sure do post them links. Rant a little every now and again. Yessir.

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