
** On the Syrian question, Britain seems to distance itself from the bellicose line out of Washington, as Straw denies threat to Syria

"Jack Straw insisted today that Syria was not "next on the list", despite the bellicose noises coming out of Washington over the weekend. However, the foreign secretary warned Damascus to "cooperate" over US allegations it was developing chemical weapons and may provide sanctuary for fleeing members of the Iraqi regime. His comments came as his junior minister, Mike O'Brien, arrived in the Syrian capital for talks today, and the prime minister, Tony Blair, prepared to brief MPs on the situation in Iraq ahead of the Commons Easter recess."

Will we see real unilaterial action this time?

** On the SARS front, Chinese SARS patients are being turned away if unable to pay for treatment.

"The man, who was also exhibiting symptoms of SARS, owed the hospital $250, said Chen's daughter, Chen Lili, who was visiting her father at the time. "They made him pack up and go," she said. "Who knows what happened to him? He had no money and he was sick."
The SARS epidemic has hit China at a time of turmoil in its health care system. Once the pride of this nation, the country's socialist health care system, with its "barefoot doctors" and free clinics, has collapsed. In its place has emerged a dog-eat-dog medical system that benefits the rich and generally hurts the poor, Chinese economists and public health researchers say."

Extensive looking SARS weblog SARS Watch.org

** The Washington Post writes that 'Bush's hardest battle may be over agenda at home'.

"Emboldened by the rapid military success, the president plans to use his new popularity to fight for his undiluted agenda of deep tax cuts, Medicare reform and strict limits on domestic spending. But the Iraq war has had an equally profound effect on the opposition. Democrats have concluded that the only way to challenge the popular war leader is to fight him vigorously on domestic policy."

** 'Property of transaction = theft' style commentary by Naomi Klein - Bomb before you buy

"And by the time the Iraqi people have a say in choosing a government, the key economic decisions about their country's future will have been made by their occupiers."

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