
*** Zimbabwe was largely brought to a halt yesterday by a three-day strike called by the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions in protest at the government's decision last week to triple the price of fuel.

*** Looking for Chomsky DVD's on ebay I came across the site of this T-Shirt maker. They wouldn't allow a picture of the shirt to be shown on ebay since it is deemed to be "inappropriate". The site and sentiment are in solidarity to us and ours. His site revealed a super Chomsky link - an entire book on Znet.

*** "Last week, two members of the American military killed in Iraq were granted posthumous citizenship, a decision which highlighted the fact that around 37,000 members of the US military are not Americans and the figures are on the increase. Around half of new recruits to the armed forces in some LA areas are non-citizens whose service in the military will accelerate their route to citizenship. "

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