
** Iraq's new boss - I'm sure I wasn't the only one wondering what Garner's replacement was all about, and who Bremer really is. In any case, this is clearly indicative of internal power struggles, reminiscient of nazi soap. Republicons.org sheds more light on Bremer's worryingly ultra-hawkish stance:

"Bremer has strong ties to the neoconservative vein of the Republican Party. He served as Managing Director of Kissinger Associates from 1989 to 2000. Kissinger Associates is the consulting firm headed by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Kissinger himself, refused to have his firm’s contracts investigated when he was nominated to lead the September 11 investigative committee. It remains to be seen if Bremer will offer to reveal the names of the organizations and nations that have been contracted by Kissinger Associates through the years."


"More disconcerting is Bremer’s affinity for Perle/Wolfowitz international policy, especially in Iran. During the Clinton years, the neoconservatives chaffed at the normalization of relations with Iran. The rise to power of Mohammad Khatami, a secular moderate, was welcomed by the Clinton administration as an opportunity for reduced enmity. The neocons, however, for reasons that are not entirely clear, stepped up their criticism of Iran calling it a greater threat to international security than Iraq."


Paul Gauguin, July 6, 1848 (right after the revolution!) - May 8, 1903

"Art is either plagiarism or revolution."

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