
One Paragraph Review of the Presidency of George W. Bush

Let's see if we can get this straight? Bait the country during elections by promising programs that add value to our society and then switch them during appropriations for military & contributor kickbacks. When a terrorist flies planes into the World Trade Center during a meeting with your investors and the cover for you're energy scam is blown, then tell everyone that we are being attacked by a country with a lot of oil and invade it. When they don't believe your reasoning, make it up. Declare all civilians combatants, shoot any that get near you (feeding them will be a pain in the ass anyway), and then take the country's oil. When you have liberated the people from their U.S. backed dictator, have made billions on the defense contracts, you then pay yourself and your friends to rebuild the country. Finally put a new dictator in charge that will do your bidding (who cares if the Iraqi people don't like him) and give a chunk of the profits to the financial backers of Osama bin Laden, the terrorist that created the opportunity for you. That about right?

from the critical popperian

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