
Why does the Independent not show it´s articles free on line? I found this one about a squatted social centre near my house, which I really like, the article is quite good, unfortunately I can only get the introduction on line.

Basicincome.org an interesting site with some good arguements, studies and statistics for you economists out there.

The Basque Nationalists fight to use democratic means to manifest their political beliefs goes on. AuB, a Basque party made up of left wingers and Basque Nationalists- basically totally opposed to the current government has been made illegal and a meeting of theirs was broken up by masked riot police yesterday. Here is a posting on Indymedia about this and the closure of a Nationalist newspaper `Egunkaria´.

This is the new paper that has been formed (English edition) which is only available on line at the moment due to shortage of funds, it seems quite interesting.

The elections going on here are regional elections, but have assumed alot of importance as it looks like it will be very close in many places. The two main Parties are the PP (Partido Popular or in English terms New Conservatives/Labour) with the deeply religious and unpopular Jose Maria Aznar at the lead and the PSOE (Socialists) who have been remodeled after their long and astonishingly corrupt term in the 80´s with a much more young and beautiful cast. Things look close due to the War effect, which has now had reprecussions in that Marrocans have started killing Spanish people in Morrocco and that Spain is now a terrorist target. It was also pointed out recently that the USA is not much help fighting ETA and that France have historically been much more useful (part of the Basque Country is in France). France is now part of the "friends of the Axis of Evil" for the US government who apart from the famous renaming of french fries, have according to the French Ambassador in Washington been doing a `smear´ campain against France in leaked lies to the press, the ambassador is reported to have made an official complaint to the US Government. I am currently searching for a link on this one... I read it in El Pais which is quite respectable, but another of those newspapers which does not publish it´s articles on line.

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